SOS Children's Village Faridabad

Established In


No. of Children


No. of Homes


Total FSP Beneficiaries


Faridabad is the largest city in the state of Haryana and shares its boundary with the National capital New Delhi. A major industrial hub, it adds greatly to Haryana’s economy. Due to the rapid growth in Faridabad over the years, a drastic increase has been seen in migrants who shift to urban areas in search of a better life.

The government in the area has been working towards the betterment of infrastructure and housing facilities, but the increasing number of slums still remains to be a persisting problem in Faridabad. Children and women, especially, are the most affected groups of living in an unsound environment. This group of people is considered to be a victim of Urban Poverty.


The SOS Children’s Village in Faridabad was established in 1984. Our aim here is to help abandoned children and those without parental care to live and grow up in a loving, family like environment.

SOS India works around its two flagship programmes: Family Based Care (FBC) and Family Strengthening Programme (FSP). The Family Based Care programme was initiated in Faridabad to ensure that every child grows up in a family. Children under the FBC live within the SOS Village in Family Homes and are under the direct care of an SOS Mother, who is also supported by an SOS Aunt. Once enrolled, children are looked after until they become independent and self- sustainable. At SOS India, we work towards catering to the needs of children with all respects; emotional and financial.

Children living in SOS Children’s Villages of India are enrolled in schools and are given proper education. Our children have been found to have been performing well in their academics and have not let us down. They are also active in co-curricular activities and strive hard to reach to their highest potential.

While SOS India ensures the education of all children, it also organizes fun filled activities for them. In all villages and family homes, festivals of National and International importance are celebrated with great enthusiasm. Mothers, children and other co-workers of the village gather together to celebrate all festivities; this helps inculcate a sense of community and the importance and value of having a family in children.


At present, the number of youth in our NGO in Faridabad is 32. SOS India ensures that our youth get as much exposure as they can, which is why various Positive Youth Development Programmes are organized in our villages.  Besides this, workshops on Leadership Development, Personality development, Emotional management and Disputes Solving, Child Protection Policy and Team Building are held on regular intervals for children.

For Youth Co-workers, SOS India organizes Parenting Workshops to help them become better care takers, which results in converting a Youth House into a Youth Home.

All the youth under SOS India are enrolled in reputed schools and colleges and maximum efforts are made to ensure that they get everything they require to succeed in their life.

(A) Hermann Gmeiner School
It has been 30 years since the birth of the Hermann Gmeiner School in Faridabad. The school caters to the needs of over 1000 children. The academic performance of students of AISSE has been good with 100% result.  The pass percentage of children in AISSCE too was 100%. Besides studies, children are motivated to perform well in co-curricular activities as well.

At SOS India, every child is imparted with life values and morals in order to help them grow up into better individuals. To inculcate these values, various sessions are organized for children where they are involved in discussions on topics like respect, honesty, tolerance, gratitude, love and compassion, the importance of sharing, charity and unity. Apart from this, a number of awareness programmes are also held in the school to help children match up to the pace of the world around.


The Family Strengthening Programme (FSP) was initiated in order to empower larger number of vulnerable families and children; this is especially for children who are on the verge of abandonment. At present, our FSP in Faridabad has 273 beneficiaries under its care.

SOS India not only helps these families financially, but also works towards their holistic development for them to be able to become self-sufficient. Another way by which these families are supported is through Self-Help Groups. This is a concept, where several families provide mutual help to solving common socio-economic problems within a community.

To impart knowledge and spread awareness in these families, various sessions and programmes are organized by SOS India, where they are updated of relevant social issues like female foeticide, gender discrimination, women empowerment etc. A number of skill development workshops and seminars are also held for people coming from these families in order to help them reach their full potential.


  1. The SOS Children’s Village in Greenfields is 8 km away from Sant Nagar Railway Station, Faridabad
  2. It is at a distance of 40.4 km from the Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi

For any queries related to Faridabad

Sanjay Hakhu

(Village Director)

SOS Children’s Villages FARIDABAD

SOS Enclave, Sector-29 Faridabad-121008, HARYANA


Phone: (0129) 4045191

Mob: 9810469580

Niharika Chamola (Village Incharge)Mb: - 09999906782