SOS Children's Village Bhubaneswar

Established In


No. of Children


No. of Homes


Total FSP Beneficiaries


The capital city of Orissa, Bhubaneswar, is a rapidly growing town that has seen tremendous increase in its population over the years. The city is an important economic centre and is also known for its richness with respect to culture. The growth of Bhubaneswar is such that it has not been able to meet with the growing needs of people and that stands as a concerning issue for some time now. The city does not have adequate infrastructure and services to offer to the increasing population, and that has resulted in a large number of people living in unsound conditions. A large proportion of people here live under Urban Poverty. Children and women, especially, are the most affected groups of this unbalanced socio-economic situation in Bhubaneswar. From poor sanitation facilities to children getting zero exposure to education, people here suffer each day to make their ends meet.

NGO in Bhubaneswar

The SOS Children’s Village in Bhubaneswar started its activities in 1996. The aim of initiating SOSCV in the city was to help parentless and abandoned children and provide them with a family like environment to grow up in. At present, the total number of children under our care is 156. Every child at the village is looked after by an SOS Mother and an SOS Aunt; they grow up with other SOS children who are regarded as their brothers and sisters. After coming to our SOS Children’s Village, basic needs of all children are catered to and emotional support is given to help them adjust in the new environment. The NGO in Bhubaneswar, Orissa, is recognized for Group Foster Care under the JJ Act. A new Kinship Programme was also started in the village, where parentless children were placed under the care of their relatives and were given financial support. This new strategy was implemented in the interest of the child so that he/she is able to adapt to the change more easily.

All the children at our facility are enrolled in formal schools and receive proper education. Mothers and Co-workers are also imparted training on child protection, POCSO and cyber safety systems. This was done in order to prevent them from acts of child abuse and cybercrime.


At present, the total number of youth under our care is 95. While many of our children are attending schools, the rest are enrolled in colleges; some of them are even placed and have well- paying jobs. Computer and English Communication classes are held for all children throughout the year. Youth in SOS India are always motivated to contribute in society. In Bhubaneswar, children were involved in the management of all Youth Homes and looked after its functioning. The academic results of all our children have been commend worthy. In 2016, three of our youth appeared for class 10th Board Examination and three of them passed with the first division. Result of class 12th Board Examination has also been seen to be consistently good in SOS Bhubaneswar.


The Family Strengthening Programme was initiated in August 2003 in our NGO in Bhubaneswar. At present, the total number of beneficiaries in our FSP here is 679. The aim of this programme was to help families who needed additional support to survive. Under this scheme, families are provided with financial backing to expand or start their business. They are involved in income generating activities that also helps boost their self-confidence. The rate at which these families have been benefitted has seen to be very high. Another means by which these families are rendered assistance is through Self-Help Groups. The concept of Self Help Groups circles around solving common socio-economic problem through mutual help. This helps inculcate in families a sense of independence as well.

Health of families enrolled in the Family Strengthening Programme is monitored regularly and all measures are taken to maintain their nutrition levels and diet.


  1. SOS Children’s Village is 9.2 km away from Bhubaneswar Railway Station.
  2. It is 7.1 km from the Biju Patnaik International Airport

For any queries related to Bhubaneswar

Abinash K.Hota

(Village Director)

SOS Children’s Villages BHUBANESHWAR

Near Kalinga Studio, Khandagiri Bhubaneshwar-751030, ORISSA


Phone: (0674)-2387043,2387044

Mob: 09422309041