A mission to reach the forgotten children
With more than a third of its population below the age of 18, India has the largest child population in the world. The country has made some significant commitments towards ensuring the basic rights of children and with the receding infant mortality rate, the child survival rate going up, and the dropout rates from schools having fallen, there has been progress in a variety of indicators.
But the issue of child rights in India is still caught between legal and policy commitments towards children on the one hand, and the fallout of the process of globalization on the other.
Children are being deprived of even the scarce social benefits once available; they are displaced by forced and economic migration, increasing the number of children subsisting on the streets; more and more children are being trafficked within and across borders; and rising numbers of children are engaged in part – or full-time labour.
Every birth in the world springs hope. Hope to grow unimpeded; hope to explore unobstructed; and hope to experience and embrace all that life has to offer. At SOS Children’s Villages of India, children without parental care find hope and a fresh start at life. Here, children live, laugh and grow up inside the protection of a home, with the love and care of a mother, and a family-like environment; basically a loving home.
With over 54 years of committed care and service provided to parentless and underprivileged children, SOS Children’s Villages of India (SOS India) is one of the largest self-implementing NGO for children in India with its presence across 32 projects in 22 States. It provides direct care to over 26,000 children annually. It has been involved in providing children in distress a ‘home-like’ environment with a loving mother, brothers and sisters, as well as a home and a community.
SOS India also focuses on empowering families from poor and vulnerable sections to provide better care for their children and prevent abandonment of children by enhancing income generation capacity of the primary caregivers. It is a well-known and credible organisation in India and the first childcare NGO to get a CRISIL accreditation for strong delivery capability and high financial proficiency. In March 2016, SOS India was certified by TRACE, the world’s leading anti-bribery standard setting organisation, which demonstrates a commitment to commercial transparency.
“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” ― Winston Churchill
Individuals worldwide have been the biggest change makers. And during this pandemic situation across the globe, vulnerable children are the worst hit. Being one of the tog NGO in India, SOS India has developed different strategies to cater to the emerging health and humanitarian crisis among the most vulnerable and disadvantaged children, families and communities.
SOS Children’s Villages of India plans to reach out to 27,000 children including their caregivers across 10,000 families in 22 States of India with the ultimate aim to help them rebuild their lives and communities. Depending on the specific requirements, SOS India will be extending recovery assistance to prevent further damage and loss, repair essential services, protect health, provide psycho-social support, restore livelihoods, and enhance food security.
While quarantined at home, please spare a thought for children who do not have a family to be around, for families who have lost it all, and kindly consider supporting us– in any way possible to help continue keeping our children and families safe and healthy. Donate to help children.
Your donation makes an ever lasting impact!
SOS Children’s Villages of India is working for children who have lost parental care or who are at risk of losing it. We have pledged to protect children who have lost their parents and have no place to call home. These children are at risk of being abused and neglected. Your small contribution will help us reach such children and transform their lives by building a bright future for them.
Your donation can bring hope to these abandoned children facing hunger, poverty, and injustice in their daily lives. Donors like you will help SOS Children’s Villages of India strengthen its efforts to provide the best facilities to parentless and abandoned children and help them build a future they deserve.
SOS Children’s Villages of India believes that every child has a right to grow up with a family. Your donation will help us provide these children with a family that cares for them, ensure they have proper healthcare, nutrition, and education.
Your donation will help us create a long–lasting impact on the lives of children who are at a risk of losing parental care. Through our Family Strengthening Programme, in slums and rural areas, we aim to build the capacity of BPL (Below Poverty Line) families, widows, and single women to help them move out of the vicious cycle of poverty and become self-sufficient. This in turn, ensures all-round development, including education, nutrition, health and psychological development, of children belonging to such families.
Being the best NGO in India, SOS India believes that children growing up in a stable and caring family, within a supportive community, have a greater chance to realise their full potential and lead an independent life. Our belief is backed by our commitment to provide the best of care to children, right from a very young age, until they are ready to start a career. We seek continuous improvement in our programmes and services, and learn from our experience. When we identify deficiencies, we respond immediately, ensuring the best care and futures for our children and youth.