March Round Up
Joining Forces for Children – India is actively working towards the well-being and protection of vulnerable children and young people in India, and have stepped up their interventions to respond effectively to this global and national crisis. To ensure that the well-being of the most vulnerable children are not compromised, on behalf of the children, SOS India along with other NGO’S appealed to Government of India to: Prioritise and identify the most vulnerable and at risk children for prevention and response interventions; Provide uninterrupted access to critical services for the most vulnerable children and their families; Provide child-friendly outreach messages and run child friendly public information campaigns.Celebration of International Women’s Day
On 8th March, FSP Bhubaneswar team organised a program to celebrate “International Women’s Day” for the women caregivers. Around 60 women caregivers and youth, girls from all locations including transiting communities, Animators, Tutors and dignitaries participated in this awesome event. The dignitaries present in the event were requested to share from their expertise areas and life experiences relating to women ‘Equanimity and rights”. Similarly in rest of our Children’s Villages also, women’s day was celebrated with full enthusiasm. Various events were organised to engage SOS India’s women across the country.
Dental Treatment Camp
Dental issues are common among children of all age groups. Keeping this issue in mind, our Bhubaneswar FSP team collaborated with SUM Hospital to organise a ‘Dental Treatment Camp’ on 7th March. Camp was organised at Mahimnagar community and children as well as SHG members were provided with free dental check-up. A team of 12 doctors and paramedics visited the community with required medical equipment along with the mobile treatment van. In addition to providing dental check-up, medical team also provided counselling on the bad effects of neglecting tooth care.
Fight against COVID-19 (Family Strengthening Programme)
Supporting #BreakTheChain moment, the Self Help Group Leaders and Animators from spread awareness by distributing Pamphlets that contained preventive methods, do’s and dont’s and helpline numbers related to COVID-19. They were distributed to communities like Nedumala, Chembarakky and Madhavapuram in Kerala, India.
SOS CV Bawana taking precautions as per the government advisory
Following the advisory given by Delhi State Govt. on 22nd March, 2020 for complete lockdown and mentioning the do’s and don’ts for general public, entire team at SOS Children’s Village Bawana has been strictly complying with the advisory and taking the following precautions to protect children and staff from corona virus: 350 cotton masks and adequate quantity of sanitizers have been procured and issued to Family Homes and Youth Facilities. Visitors/vendors have been restricted from entering the Children’s Village. Everyone is being asked to wear masks and wash their hands regularly. Most importantly, the Child Welfare Committee has been informed to postpone appearing and sending children to the village.
Children making the right use of time during the lockdown
Defeating the threat imposed by Covid-19, during these home bound days our FSP community children took the inspiration to make best use of the library books recently provided by our project. It is just one of the activity done in isolation along with story writing, drawing, slogan writing, song composition/singing, helping parents at home and learning household chores etc. A story writing competition soon after ending of this virus threat and prize announcement has motivated these young ones to be occupied. This is a very good initiative being taken by the children with the guidance of our Animators, Tutors and FSP Bhubaneswar team.
Diary of Hope – FSP Tirupati
To address the trauma that children face during this COVID-19 lockdown days and help them to ventilate, FSP Tirupati team has initiated a diary writing activity at various FSP communities for the children. The writing of children will include their day to day experience during the lockdown days, challenges they and their families faced, drawings etc… This will help the children to divert their attention from the stressful surroundings and help them to ventilate. Once the communities are back to normal life, writings of children will be collected and best diaries will be awarded. Writings of children shall also be an insight to understand trauma/challenges they faced and future interventions required at these communities.
Joint Appeal for Most Vulnerable Children of India amid COVID-19