Screen time guidelines are important
In this confused and uncertain world, schools always provide an organised structure that is comforting to a child. Losing this routine can leave the child unsettled. For this you should ask your child to help you create a routine with breaks and best time for playing or learning. And then stick to it. For younger children unsupervised screen time on phones and laptops can sometimes be frightening. Parents must have approved apps and other sites that a child can have access to on their own. Parents must “follow the child” by observing his/her passions and tailor their education to them. Learning at home can offer children a chance to dig deeply into a subject of their own choosing. Focus on helping your child to detect a project they can discover intensely and without too much guidance or support. This will help them bring out their creativities. Children need to learn through experimentation and practice. This independence will help a child build a sense of confidence. Allow your children to experience problems. And likewise, invite them to come up with their own solutions or try things first without coming to you for assistance. Unsurprisingly, having children at home is going to create more mess. Help your child to identify some daily responsibilities they can accomplish on their own as a part of the routine. It is never bad to practice basic skills, but help them do this creatively. Playing cards and using dice can be a great for reviewing math skills. Reviewing these basic skills can strengthen understanding for more advanced concepts, and it does not need expensive materials. Games and puzzles build skills in logic and reasoning, but also in taking turns, planning, and creative problem solving. For keeping their reading and writing skills in track. Children can practice by – reading directions to a game, reading a book to a younger sibling, reading a comic, reading a newspaper story, reading a biography and cut up a newspaper and arrange the words into a poem. They can even practice writing letters to friends and relatives. During this difficult time, talk about different things with your children. Explain how you manage stress during such times, and invite children to help think through ways they can be more helpful or ways you can both make a difference in your own community or family. Think of ways you can make your children have fun indoors. Have an indoor picnic,. Take a walk. Make a pie. Create playlists. Have a dance party in the kitchen, do yoga and stay healthy. Write funny tweets about how hard this is. Try to find a rhythm or a time when you can get the most work done and maximize this.Here are few recommendations to keep your child occupied at home during this period of quarantine:–
Keep a routine check.
Screen time guidelines are important.
Offer the child decision making
Practice project based learning
Let them be independent
Help with household tasks
Basic skill development
Reading and writing
Having conversations
Have fun
Together we can fight this pandemic and stay safe at home!